Wednesday, July 8, 2009

MJ memorial service

There was a jam yesterday on the internet no wonder my mails weren't going through. There was an estimated 35% increase in the web users and it was estimated that 9 million poeple were using the net during that period .However it made history because 7.6 million poeple uplouded the clips and 10 million poeple were stuck on their television set.
The Obama inagration passed this mark by far infact it is thrice this it was estimated to be 27million viewers during that specific time.
Many people paid farewell to their loved one the so called the king of pop,but what mark did he leave behind apart from his music infact none. I did not celebrate because i did not see sense in his music.
Actually two things moved me yesterday ,the way fans were loyal to him and the speech from his lovely daugther Paris Kathy she said what was in her heart but the reality was her father mistreated her when young and that is it.
His brother gave an emotional speech that made me cry not for MJ but the repucusion following the family-the will is not known therefore prepare for the worst.